181510821 5 ft. Protector Echo Benchtop Filtered Fume Hood with HEPA Filter Only with side windows - 230V - 50/60Hz - 5 amp plug for North America - with 2 service fixtures

181510821 5 ft.  Protector Echo Benchtop Filtered Fume Hood with HEPA Filter Only with side windows -  230V -  50/60Hz -  5 amp plug for North America -  with 2 service fixtures
5 ft. Protector Echo Benchtop Filtered Fume Hood with HEPA Filter Only with side windows - 230V - 50/60Hz - 5 amp plug for North America - with 2 service fixtures
Retail Price US$35,775.00
Today's PriceUS$32,197.50
Catalog ID181510821
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